Superb early monastery
/ church complex with ruins of 2 churches, one very well preserved, a baptisteri
and various monastic buildings. Construction period: 400-tallet - ie.
early Byzantine architecture.
There are indications, however, that the complex was already exited by the end
of the 600 century. Excavated and described by Michael Gough, Toronto
Location: on a hillside in 1250 m. with panoramic views over the Göksu River
right in middle of the Taurus Mountains. Transport: The complex is close to the
main road between Karaman, Mut and Silifke. A newly built mountain road is
leading up to the ruins. The Churches are so large and richly decorated
and the monastery remains so limited that it is reasonable to assume that the
complex primarily served as a pilgrimage place and a "mission" - and baptistery.
The Monastery is located close to - but still some distance from - the old road
connecting Silifke on the coast, with Karaman on the Anatolian Plain. The area
was subject to the "bishop" of Antiokia. It may have an impact on the
understanding of the architectural richness that one of the eastroman emperors,
Zeno, who lived and reigned during the building-period came from the area.
Enestående kloster/ kirke-kompleks med rester af to kirker, et baptisteri samt diverse klosterbygninger. Byggeperiode: 400-tallet – dvs. tidlig byzantinsk arkitektur. Meget tyder dog på at komplekset allerede forlades i slutningen af 600-tallet. Udgravet og beskrevet af bl.a. Michael Gough, Toronto Universitet. Placering: på bjergskråning 1250 m.o.h. med panoramaudsigt over en af Göksuflodens dale midt i Taurusbjergene. Transport: Komplekset ligger tæt på hovedvejen mellem Karaman, Mut og Silifke. En nyanlagt bjergvej fører helt op til ruinerne. Kirkerne er så store og klosterresterne så begrænsede, at det er rimeligt at antage at komplekset først og fremmest har tjent som pilgrimssted samt ”missions”- og dåbssted. Arkæologiske udgravninger har dog også blotlagt egentlige klosterrester. Klosteret er placeret tæt ved – men dog i nogen afstand fra – den gamle vej der forbandt Silifke ved kysten, med Karaman (og dermed Konya m.fl.) (nye betegnelser) Området var underlagt ”biskoppen” af Antiokia – og det har muligvis en betydning for forståelsen af kompleksets arkitektoniske rigdom, at en af de samtidige østromerske kejsere, Zeno, kommer fra området.
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